


(A) I Sit Back – Unraveling the Dynamics of Social Loafing in Human–AI Collaboration

  • 我靠后坐——揭示人类与人工智能合作中的社会搭便车现象的动态

A Bibliometric Analysis of Four Decades of Artificial Intelligence in Human Resources Research

  • 四十年人工智能在人力资源研究的文献计量分析

A Curse or a Blessing? Artificial Intelligence in Talent Attraction and Recruiting

  • 诅咒还是祝福?人工智能在人才吸引和招聘中的应用

A Longitudinal Qualitative Study on HR Professionals’ Perceptions of Artificial Intelligence

  • 人力资源专业人士对人工智能看法的纵向定性研究

A Temporal Perspective of how AI can Impact Entrepreneurial Intentions of Gig Workers

  • 人工智能如何影响零工工作者的创业意图的时间视角


  • 行动还是克制:CEO的神经质与人工智能创新

AI Adoption in the Healthcare Sector: A Framework of Value, HR and Policy Factors

  • 医疗保健领域的人工智能采用:价值、人力资源与政策因素框架

AI Aversion or Appreciation? Meta-Analytic Evidence for a Capability-Personalization Framework

  • 人工智能的厌恶还是欣赏?能力个性化框架的元分析证据

AI Empowered: Re–Defining Leadership for Industry 4.0

  • 人工智能赋能:为工业4.0重新定义领导力

AI Has More Moral Insight: The Potential of Using Large Language Models to Resolve Moral Dilemmas

  • 人工智能具有更深的道德洞察力:使用大型语言模型解决道德困境的潜力

AI, the Firm and the Circular Economy: Towards a Maturity Model

  • 人工智能、公司与循环经济:走向成熟模型

AI’s Creative Promise: For Better or For Worse?

  • 人工智能的创新承诺:更好还是更糟?

AI-Driven Leverage Points for the Natural Environment

  • 人工智能驱动的自然环境保护杠杆点

AI-Enabled Respect: How Framing of AI Affects Occupational Stigma Toward Dirty Work

  • 人工智能赋能的尊重:人工智能框架如何影响对脏活的职业污名

AI–Human Sequential Evaluation: Enhancing Performance Assessments through AI–Human Collaboration

  • 人工智能-人类顺序评估:通过人工智能-人类合作增强绩效评估

AI-Related Job Crafting to (In) Congruence Between Human-AI Collaboration Job Demands and Resources

  • 人工智能相关工作塑造:人工智能合作工作需求与资源之间的(不)一致性

An Analysis of How AI Capabilities Might Enhance the Performance of E–Organization

  • 分析人工智能能力如何可能提升电子组织的性能

An Augmented Consultant? The Impact of AI on Job Design and Work Outcomes

  • 增强型顾问?人工智能对工作设计和工作成果的影响

Appraisals Matter: The Impact of Appraisal Toward AI Awareness on Bootleg Innovation

  • 评估很重要:对人工智能意识的评估对非法创新的影响

Artificial Cognitive Moral Development: Toward A Theory of Ethical Decision–Making for Autonomous–AI

  • 人工认知道德发展:走向自主人工智能的伦理决策制定理论


  • 人工智能与全球供应链中的气候行动

Artificial Intelligence and Corporate Investment Decision

  • 人工智能与企业投资决策

Artificial Intelligence and Firm Performance: A Systematic Literature Review and Future Research

  • 人工智能与公司绩效:系统性文献综述与未来研究


  • 人工智能作为员工共情创造力的双刃剑

Artificial Intelligence in Spend Classification an Information Processing Theory Perspective

  • 人工智能在支出分类中的信息处理理论视角

Artificial Intelligence, Employee Productivity and Human Capital Loss

  • 人工智能、员工生产力与人力资本损失

Artificial Intelligence–based Business Model Innovation and the Creation and Capture of Firm Value

  • 基于人工智能的商业模式创新及公司价值的创造与捕获

Assessing Public Sentiment on AI–Generated Art Across the United States Using Deep Learning

  • 使用深度学习评估美国公众对人工智能生成艺术的情感

Automation or Augmentation? Task Characteristics, Managers´ Objectives, and AI Adoption

  • 自动化还是增强?任务特征、管理者目标和人工智能采用

Barriers and AI–based Technologies Adoption: A Configurational View from a European–Wide Survey

  • 障碍和基于人工智能技术的采用:一项覆盖欧洲的调查的配置视角

Behavioural Intention to Use Voice–Based Artificial Intelligence to Find Hotels and Resorts

  • 使用基于语音的人工智能寻找酒店和度假村的行为意图

Beyond Algorithms: Understanding Applicant Cognition and Motivation in AI-Enabled Recruitment

  • 超越算法:理解人工智能赋能招聘中的申请人认知和动机

Beyond Data Collection: Examining Artificial Intelligence Data Creation in Organizations

  • 超越数据收集:检查组织中的人工智能数据创造

Big Tech, Small Tech, and the Dynamics of Technology Life Cycle: The Case of AI’s Evolution

  • 大型科技、小型科技与技术生命周期的动态:人工智能进化的案例

Boundary Work in Generative AI Platforms: How Platform Providers Manage Complementors’ Changing Role

  • 生成性人工智能平台中的边界工作:平台提供商如何管理补充者的不断变化角色

Bridging Principles and Practices: The Emergence of Responsible AI

  • 连接原则与实践:负责任人工智能的出现

Can Academic Startups be Broad? How Problem Formulation Shapes Market Breadth Among Startups in AI

  • 学术初创公司可以广泛吗?问题制定如何影响人工智能初创公司的市场广度

Collaborating with Generative Artificial Intelligence: Creative Problem–Solving in Groups

  • 与生成性人工智能合作:团队中的创造性问题解决

Collaboration Between Humans and AI: Complementarities Within and Across Skill

  • 人类与人工智能的合作:技能内部和跨技能的互补性

Collaboration with Artificial Intelligence Negatively Impacts Creator Reputation

  • 与人工智能的合作负面影响创造者的声誉

Competitive Dynamics of AI Innovation, Product and Service Introduction, and Business Environments

  • 人工智能创新、产品与服务引入以及商业环境的竞争动态

Complexity Intelligence as Complementary Human Capital to AI: Evidence From AI Adopters

  • 复杂性智能作为对人工智能的补充人力资本:来自人工智能采用者的证据

Constructing Automation: Rethinking the Automation–Augmentation Paradigm in the Age of AI

  • 构建自动化:在人工智能时代重新思考自动化-增强范式

Contextual Limits of Incorporating Artificial Intelligence in an Organization

  • 将人工智能整合到组织中的情境限制

Cross-boundary AI Innovation as Recombinant Search in Heterogeneous Landscapes: A Network Analysis of Computer Science and Autonomous Vehicle Fields (2009-2020)

  • 跨界人工智能创新作为异质景观中的重组搜索:计算机科学和自动驾驶领域(2009-2020)的网络分析

Cultivating AI Gardens in Emerging Markets, the Role of Community–Led Initiatives

  • 在新兴市场培育人工智能花园,社区主导倡议的作用

Cultural Tightness and Reliance on AI in Augmented Decision-Making

  • 文化紧密性与增强决策中对人工智能的依赖

Deciphering AI’s Role in Corporate Innovation: A Study of AI Resources, Capability and Performance

  • 解读人工智能在企业创新中的作用:对人工智能资源、能力和绩效的研究

Decoding Coding Advice: How Credible are Programming Solutions Produced by Generative AI?

  • 解码编程建议:生成性人工智能产生的编程解决方案有多可信?

Demystifying GenAI for Creative Workers: A Mixed–Method Investigation of Firsthand Experience

  • 为创意工作者解密通用人工智能:一手经验的混合方法调查

Digital Technology’s (Including AI) Role in Operation Management Practices’ Development Within PSFs

  • 数字技术(包括人工智能)在PSFs内部运营管理实践发展中的作用

Distance Makes the Heart Grow Fonder: How AI Implementation Influences Human Relationships

  • 距离使心灵更亲近:人工智能实施如何影响人际关系

Dual Effects of AI Enabled Job Non–Routinization on Proactive and Responsive Creativity

  • 人工智能使工作非例行化对主动性和反应性创造力的双重效应

Ecosystem Strategies for Small Firms’ Competitive Advantage: The Case of AI Ecosystem

  • 小企业竞争优势的生态系统战略:人工智能生态系统案例

Enabling Individual Ambidexterity: The Impact of AI on Combining Dual Learning Orientations

  • 使个体双能力成为可能:人工智能对结合双重学习取向的影响

Enacting Relations: The Role of Artificial Intelligence for the Stability of Routines

  • 执行关系:人工智能在常规稳定性中的作用


  • 逃向一个结构化的世界:人工智能的不透明性、工作撤退和人际客体化

Evaluating Innovation with AI: The Emotional Dimensions of Crowdfunding

  • 用AI评估创新:众筹的情感维度

Evoking and Creating Meaning: The Role of AI in Social Entrepreneurial Rhetoric Creation and Framing

  • 唤起和创造意义:人工智能在社会创业修辞创造和框架中的角色

Examining Human Over-Reliance on AI-Enabled Decision Aids

  • 审视人类对人工智能辅助决策工具的过度依赖

Exploring the Impact of AI on the Recognition of Tacit Knowledge from the Perspective of KM

  • 从知识管理的角度探索AI对隐性知识认可的影响

Finetuning Artificial Intelligence for Entrepreneurial Pitching Effectiveness

  • 微调人工智能以提高创业推介的有效性

Fostering Team Creativity via AI Support: The Interplay of AI Advancement and Work Methods Autonomy

  • 通过人工智能支持促进团队创造力:人工智能进步与工作方法自主性的互动

From Counterfactual Fairness to Algorithmic Fairness: Building Principle of Equity in AI Management

  • 从反事实公平到算法公平:在人工智能管理中建立公平原则

Gen–AI’s Effects on New Value Proposition in Business Model Innovation: Evidence from IT Industry

  • 通用人工智能对商业模式创新中新价值主张的影响:来自IT行业的证据

Generality of Artificial Intelligence Technology and Post–Acquisition Knowledge Integration

  • 人工智能技术的普遍性与并购后知识整合

Generative AI as a Strategic Intelligent User Interface for Human-AI Collaboration

  • 生成性人工智能作为人工智能合作的战略智能用户界面

Generative AI as an Enabler of Business Model Innovation: A Multiple–Case Study

  • 生成性人工智能作为商业模式创新的促进者:多案例研究

Generative AI in Product Innovation: An Experimental Study of Humans’ Creativity Evaluations

  • 生成性人工智能在产品创新中的应用:人类创造力评估的实验研究

Generative Artificial Intelligence (GAI) in Global Virtual Teams

  • 生成性人工智能(GAI)在全球虚拟团队中的应用

Graduate Employability in the AI–Driven Economy

  • 人工智能驱动经济中的毕业生就业能力

Harmonized Organizational Principles for Ethics in Artificial Intelligence: A Conceptual Framework

  • 人工智能伦理的协调组织原则:一个概念框架

How can Artificial Intelligence in Customer Knowledge Development Help Push Innovation Performance?

  • 人工智能在客户知识发展中如何帮助推动创新绩效?

How Could AI Impact Employees’ Career Growth? The Role of Thriving at Work and Identity Threat

  • 人工智能如何影响员工的职业发展?工作繁荣与身份威胁的作用

How Do Human Creators Compete with Artificial Intelligence? An Empirical Analysis

  • 人类创造者如何与人工智能竞争?一项实证分析

How Does The Adoption of Artificial Intelligence Affect Employees? A Double–Edged Sword Study

  • 人工智能的采用如何影响员工?双刃剑研究

How Scientific Organizations Adapt to Advances in Artificial Intelligence: The Impact of AlphaFold

  • 科学组织如何适应人工智能的进步:AlphaFold的影响

Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Team Creativity: A Dual Stage Perspective

  • 人工智能对团队创造力的影响:双重阶段视角

Implementing AI–driven Sales in B2B Environments: Challenges and Solutions

  • 在B2B环境中实施人工智能驱动的销售:挑战与解决方案

Implementing Conversational AI: Institutional Logic, Responses, and Constraint Absorption

  • 实施会话人工智能:制度逻辑、响应和约束吸收

Industrial Firm Becomes Digital and Then Cognitive Enterprise: How AI Transforms the Organization

  • 工业公司变成数字公司,然后是认知企业:人工智能如何转变组织

Influence of Artificial Intelligence on Firm Innovation Behavior

  • 人工智能对公司创新行为的影响

Innovating for the Future: AI and HRM Capabilities for Sustainability in Higher Education

  • 为未来创新:人工智能和人力资源管理能力在高等教育中的可持续性

Innovating Work Engagement – Unleashing AI–Enabled HR Chatbots

  • 创新工作参与度——释放人工智能赋能的人力资源聊天机器人

Investigating the Benefit of Collaborating with Conversational AI from a Self-Expansion Perspective

  • 从自我扩展的视角探讨与会话人工智能合作的好处

Kick Robots away with Heart and Head: How and When AI Interviews Undermine Organizational Attraction

  • 用心和头脑赶走机器人:人工智能面试何时削弱组织吸引力

Knowledge Coupling, Collaborative Innovation Network and AI Technological Generality

  • 知识耦合、协作创新网络和人工智能技术普遍性

Knowledge of AI as a Future Work Skill for Career Sustainability: The Role of Person Job Fit

  • 人工智能知识作为未来工作技能对职业可持续性的作用:人职匹配的角色

Leveraging Artificial Intelligence: The Machine/Human Agentic Impact on Evolving Practices in L&D

  • 利用人工智能:机器/人类在L&D实践中的能动影响

Managing the Emergence of AI-Enabled Product-Service Systems in Autonomous Solutions

  • 管理自主解决方案中人工智能赋能的产品-服务系统的出现

Me, Myself and AI: How Interacting with LLMs Affects Employees’ Expectations of AI at Work

  • 我,我自己和人工智能:与大型语言模型互动如何影响员工对工作中人工智能的期望

Molded by the Ghost: How Physicians Use–and Cease Using–Predictive AI to Learn a New Mental Model

  • 被幽灵塑造:医生如何使用——并停止使用——预测性人工智能学习新的心理模型

Moral AI, Moral Individuals?

  • 道德的人工智能,道德的个体?

Navigating Regulatory Waters: Aligning Identity and Technological Capability in AI Medical Startups

  • 航行监管水域:在人工智能医疗初创公司中对齐身份和技术能力

Navigating the Landscape of Generative AI in Business Education

  • 在商业教育中导航生成性人工智能的领域

Negative Internalities and Risks of Artificial Intelligence

  • 人工智能的负面外部性与风险

New AI Technology for Selection Interviews

  • 用于选拔面试的新型人工智能技术

Not all AI Chatbots are Created Equal: The Case of a Soft Skills Coaching Bot in Education

  • 并非所有AI聊天机器人都是平等的:教育领域软技能教练机器人的案例

Orchestrating Sustainable Competitive Advantage in Start–Ups Through Artificial Intelligence

  • 通过人工智能在初创企业中策划可持续竞争优势

Overcoming the Stigma Barrier: Conversational Information–Seeking from AI Chatbots vs. Humans

  • 克服污名障碍:从人工智能聊天机器人与人类获取会话信息

Peeking into the Era of AI–Human Resources Management: An Optimal Distinctiveness Perspective

  • 窥视人工智能-人力资源管理时代:一个最优差异性视角

Promethean Anxiety from AI Adoption: Employees’ Need for Self–Actualization and Turnover Intention

  • 人工智能采用的普罗米修斯焦虑:员工自我实现的需求与离职意向


  • 启动直接空气捕获行业的公私动态

Quantum Ethics: Navigating the Dynamics of AI Through Superposition, Measurement, and Entanglement

  • 量子伦理:通过叠加、测量和纠缠导航人工智能的动态

Redesigning Work for Artificial Intelligence in the Public Sector

  • 为公共部门的人工智能重新设计工作


  • 被拒绝申请人对基于人工智能/人类经理的招聘的反应

Rethinking Absorptive Capacity in the Age of Artificial Intelligence

  • 在人工智能时代重新思考吸收能力

Retrieval-Augmented Generation: A Cutting-Edge AI Technology for Knowledge Sharing in Organizations?

  • 检索增强生成:组织知识共享的尖端人工智能技术?

Sartre Meets Silicon: Trust and the Quest for Authenticity in Human–AI Teams

  • 萨特遇见硅谷:在人工智能团队中的信任与寻求真实性

Science as a Catalyst for Technology Diffusion: Perspective in AI Industry

  • 科学作为技术传播的催化剂:人工智能行业的视角

Signaling the Adoption of Responsible AI Principles: A Study of AI Job Advertisements

  • 表明采纳负责任人工智能原则:对人工智能职位广告的研究

Social Perceptions of Generative Artificial Intelligence: The Role of Perceived Intelligence

  • 社会对生成性人工智能的感知:感知智能的作用

Starting Off Strong: How Early Employees Influence Venture Funding in the AI Sector

  • 强势起步:早期员工如何影响人工智能领域的风险投资

Synergy Between Artificial Intelligence and Managerial Decision–Making: A Qualitative Inquiry

  • 人工智能与管理决策之间的协同作用:一项定性研究

Teamwork in the Age of AI: Expert Opinions on AI Teammate Characteristics

  • 人工智能时代的团队合作:专家对人工智能队友特征的看法

Teamwork in the Age of Generative AI: Examining the Effect on Job Satisfaction

  • 生成性人工智能时代的团队合作:考察对工作满意度的影响

Tech–Driven Inclusivity: AI Strategies for Migrant Entrepreneurs’ Embeddedness in the Host Country

  • 技术驱动的包容性:人工智能策略促进移民企业家在东道国的嵌入

The (In) Congruence Effect of Subordinates’ and Supervisors’ Supportive Response to AI on LMX

  • 下属和上司对人工智能的支持性反应对LMX的(不)一致性效应

The AI Effect: Transforming Workplace Well–Being? An Empirical Insight Through Socio–Technical Frame

  • 人工智能效应:转变工作场所福祉?通过社会技术框架的实证洞察

The Ambivalent Nature of Trust in AI

  • 对人工智能信任的矛盾本质

The Contribution of Individual Specific and Generic Experience to Improving AI’s Predictive Accuracy

  • 个人特定和通用经验对提高人工智能预测准确性的贡献

The Criticality of Organisational Readiness of Business Schools for AI: The Time is Now

  • 商学院对人工智能的组织准备至关重要:就是现在

The Crowdless Future? How Generative AI Is Shaping the Future of Human Crowdsourcing

  • 没有人群的未来?生成性人工智能如何塑造人类众包的未来

The Double–Edged Sword of Generative AI Usage on Employee Creativity: A Dual Pathway Model

  • 生成性人工智能使用对员工创造力的双刃剑效应:双重路径模型

The Dual Effects of AI–Enhanced Task Automation on Team Members’ Psychological Ownership

  • 人工智能增强任务自动化对团队成员心理所有权的双重影响

The Expectations Game: The Contingent Role of Hype in Resource Mobilization Processes Among AI Firms

  • 期望游戏:在人工智能公司资源动员过程中的炒作的偶然角色

The Impact Mechanism of Human-AI Interaction on Work Innovation Behavior: Evidence from China

  • 人工智能互动对工作创新行为的影响机制:来自中国的证据

The Impact of AI Integration on Job Autonomy and Creative Self-Efficacy: A Cultural Perspective

  • 人工智能整合对工作自主性和创造性自我效能的影响:文化视角

The Impact of AI Negative Feedback vs. Leader Negative Feedback on Employee Withdrawal Behavior

  • AI负面反馈与领导者负面反馈对员工撤退行为的影响

The Impact of AI vs. Human Driven Task Allocation on Employees’ Transparency and Security

  • 人工智能与人工驱动任务分配对员工透明度和安全性的影响

The Impact of Employees’ Perceived Usefulness of AI on Creativity and Task Performance

  • 员工感知到的人工智能有用性对创造力和任务绩效的影响


  • 工作场所人工智能增强的冒名顶替现象

The Influence of Artificial Intelligence-Driven Capabilities on Responsible Leadership

  • 人工智能驱动能力对负责任领导的影响

The Innovation Landscape After AI: Industry 5.0 Impact of Technical Affordances

  • 人工智能之后创新景观:工业5.0技术可负担性的影响

The Interplay Between Cognitive and Emotional Framing in Gaining Support for AI–based Innovations

  • 在获得对基于AI的创新支持中认知与情感框架的相互作用

The Performance Implications of Attention to and Action on Artificial Intelligence

  • 关注和行动对人工智能的性能影响

The Regulation of Generative AI: Lessons Learned from ChatGPT’s Suspension in Italy

  • 生成性人工智能的监管:从ChatGPT在意大利的暂停中吸取的教训

The Relationship Between AI Innovation, R&D Intensity, and New Venture Growth

  • 人工智能创新、研发强度与新企业成长之间的关系

The Role of Social Value Orientation and Offer Fairness in Accepting Offers from AI

  • 社会价值取向和报价公平性在接受人工智能报价中的作用

The Short–Term Effects of Generative Artificial Intelligence on Employment

  • 生成性人工智能对就业的短期效应

The Uneven Impact of Generative AI on Entrepreneurial Performance

  • 生成性人工智能对创业绩效的不均衡影响

Threats or Opportunities? Enhancing Business Performance in the Era of Generative AI

  • 威胁还是机遇?在生成性人工智能时代增强业务绩效

Towards a Guide for Conventional and Gen AI–Assisted Literature Reviews

  • 走向传统和通用人工智能辅助文献综述的指南

Trust in Artificial Intelligence: A Critical Systematic Review

  • 对人工智能的信任:一个批判性的系统综述

Unintelligent Adaptation: Animal Spirits and Rainforest Logics in the Era of Generative AI

  • 不智能的适应:生成性人工智能时代的动物精神和雨林逻辑

Unlocking Novel Knowledge Recombinations: The Impact of AI Adoption on Manufacturing Innovation

  • 解锁新的知识重组:人工智能采用对制造业创新的影响

Using Artificial Intelligence in the Innovation Process: Antecedents and Performance Implications

  • 在创新过程中使用人工智能:前因和性能影响

Welcome, Innovation! A Meta-Synthesis of Artificial Intelligence Adoption in the Public Sector

  • 欢迎创新!公共部门人工智能采用的元综合

What if AI–related Values go at Odds with Each Other? An Experimental Study

  • 如果与人工智能相关的价值观相互冲突会怎样?一项实验研究

When Do Decision-Makers Rely on AI? Cognitive Exhaustion in AI-Augmented Multi-Decision Settings

  • 决策者何时依赖人工智能?人工智能增强的多决策环境中的认知耗竭

When Humans Collaborate With AI: A Text–Mining Analysis About Strain Reactions to ChatGPT

  • 当人类与人工智能合作:对ChatGPT应变反应的文本挖掘分析


A Daily Diary Study of Perceived Algorithmic Control and Delivery Riders’ Multitasking Performance

  • 日记研究:感知算法控制与外卖骑手的多任务表现

A Digital Heart in the Gig Economy: How Algorithmic Norms Influence Doctors’ Compassion Expression

  • 零工经济中的数字化心脏:算法规范如何影响医生的同情心表达

A Dual–Pathway Model Linking Algorithmic Management to Employee Work Engagement

  • 连接算法管理与员工工作投入的双路径模型

A Meta-Analysis on Reactions to Algorithmic Decision-Making in Human Resource Management

  • 元分析:对人力资源管理中算法决策的反应

Algorithm Learning: Intermediary Tradeoff and Strategic Purpose of Having Influencers on Instagram

  • 算法学习:Instagram上拥有影响者的中介权衡和战略目的

Assigning or Recommending You a Team? The Algorithmic Effects on Team Formation and Performance

  • 分配还是推荐给你一个团队?算法对团队形成和表现的影响

Between Formal Authority and Authority of Competence – The Mechanisms of Algorithmic Conformity

  • 形式权威与能力权威之间——算法一致性的机制

Beyond Algorithmic Control: Self–Coordination in Collectives Based on Decentralized Protocol

  • 超越算法控制:基于分散协议的集体自我协调

Beyond Algorithms: Understanding Applicant Cognition and Motivation in AI-Enabled Recruitment

  • 超越算法:理解人工智能赋能招聘中的申请人认知和动机

Efficiency Versus Fairness Tradeoffs in Algorithm-Based Personnel Selection

  • 基于算法的人员选拔中的效率与公平权衡

From Counterfactual Fairness to Algorithmic Fairness: Building Principle of Equity in AI Management

  • 从反事实公平到算法公平:在人工智能管理中建立公平原则

From Lay Belief to Advice Adoption: Expectation Violations and Trust in Algorithmic Advisors

  • 从普通信仰到建议采纳:期望违背与对算法顾问的信任

Harmonizing Spirituality and Algorithmic Fairness in Contemporary Work Environments

  • 当代工作环境中的精神性与算法公平的协调

How Algorithmic Management Shapes Sticky Platform–Worker Relationships

  • 算法管理如何塑造粘性的平台-工人关系

How Perceived Algorithmic Control Affects Workplace Well-Being: A Self-Determination Theory Approach

  • 感知到的算法控制如何影响工作场所的福祉:一种自我决定理论方法


  • 如何对齐战略性和算法性人力资源管理?基于本体状态的战略和算法HRM整合

In Algorithms We Trust? Exploring the Role of Human–in–the–Loop and Social Presence

  • 我们信任算法吗?探索人在循环中的作用和社会存在

Nudges and Motivated Moral Reasoning: Algorithms, Humans, and Information Processing

  • 助推和动机道德推理:算法、人类和信息处理

Of Professions and Technologies: The Case of Algorithmic Cooptation in Dentistry

  • 职业与技术:牙科中的算法同化案例

Organizing Complexity: An Inductive Inquiry into Algorithmic Routines Expansion

  • 组织复杂性:对算法常规扩展的归纳性探究

Tensions in Algorithmic HRM: Examining the Reactions of App-Workers

  • 算法人力资源管理中的紧张关系:考察应用工人的反应

The Impact of Different Recommendation Algorithms on Merchants Competition

  • 不同推荐算法对商家竞争的影响

The Inverted U–shaped Effects of Algorithmic Control on the Performance of Crowdsourced Workers

  • 算法控制对众包工人表现的倒U形效应

The Paradox of Algorithmic Human Resource Management: Based on Technology Affordance Theory

  • 算法型人力资源管理的悖论:基于技术可供性理论

The Paradoxical Influence of Algorithmic Control on Platform Workers’ Customer–Directed Deviance

  • 算法控制对平台工人面向顾客的偏差行为的矛盾影响

The Promise of Evaluative Algorithmic Advice: A Field Experiment on Writing Improvement

  • 评价性算法建议的前景:一项关于写作改进的现场实验

The Role of Self–Threat in the Decision to Use Algorithm Hiring Aids

  • 自我威胁在决定使用算法招聘助手中的作用

Trust in Algorithmic Management: The Role of Task Type and Prior Discrimination Experience

  • 算法管理中的信任:任务类型和先前歧视经历的作用

Usage of Algorithms in Personnel Selection: A Systematic Review and Computational Analysis

  • 算法在人员选拔中的使用:系统综述和计算分析


  • 工人对算法控制的组织和技术特性的判断

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