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Higgins, E. T. (2012). Regulatory Focus Theory. In P. A. M. Van Lange, A. W. Kruglanski, & E. T. Higgins, Handbook of Theories of Social Psychology (pp. 483–504). SAGE Publications Ltd.
Hagtvedt, L. P., Harvey, S., Demir-Caliskan, O., & Hagtvedt, H. (2024). Bright and Dark Imagining: How Creators Navigate Moral Consequences of Developing Ideas for Artificial Intelligence. Academy of Management Journal. https://doi.org/10.5465/amj.2022.0850
- 数据分析完后,写文章时突然找不到量表的原始信息。
- 读文献的时候有了灵感,随手记录了下来,但过一阵想找灵感的原文又不记得在哪。
- 搁置许久的项目,重新复工后,不记得之前的有些结论如何得出。
- ……
针对以上问题,我最近找到了一个新软件 Lattics 或许有所帮助。
Higgins, E. T. (2012). Regulatory Focus Theory. In P. A. M. Van Lange, A. W. Kruglanski, & E. T. Higgins, Handbook of Theories of Social Psychology (pp. 483–504). SAGE Publications Ltd.
Li, M., & Bitterly, T. B. (2024). How perceived lack of benevolence harms trust of artificial intelligence management. Journal of Applied Psychology. https://doi.org/10.1037/apl0001200
Higgins, E. T. (2012). Regulatory Focus Theory. In P. A. M. Van Lange, A. W. Kruglanski, & E. T. Higgins, Handbook of Theories of Social Psychology (pp. 483–504). SAGE Publications Ltd.